
Showcase my blog

March 08, 2024

Showcase my blog

Today is 08 March 2024. It’s mid night and I’m still in my office at HKUST writing this first blog post. I’m so excited to share with you all the types of content that can be displayed on my blog.

First, my blog can surely display text, both in English và cả tiếng Việt nữa. I’ve spent hours to choose the perfect font for my blog. I hope you like it.

As a scientist, I also want to emphasize the importance of quotation. Here is my favorite quote from Albert Einstein:

If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.

I also want to show you that my blog can display code. Here is a simple Python code:

# This code print out the string
print('Hello, welcome to my blog!')

The code can also be displayed with line numbers and highlighted lines. Here is an example:

# If you want to print something to your screen
x = 5
y = 7print(f"The sum of {x} and {y} is {x+y}

I play piano and guitar in my freetime because I loveee music! Of course, I can share some videos on my blog. I really love Chopin.

I own a Fujifilm XT-2 camera and I love taking photos. Here is a photo I took in Hong Kong. A good nap!

A Good Nap

Trained as a theorist, I also love to write equations. You should learn LaTeX\LaTeX, even if it’s simple like E=mc2E = mc^2.

I’m working on textual analysis, and one important formula is the text frequency - inverse document frequency (tf.idf) formula:

wi,j={(1+log(tfi,j))(1+log(aj))logNdfi if tfi,j10 otherwise w_{i,j} = \left\{ \begin{aligned} & \dfrac{(1+\log(tf_{i,j}))}{(1+\log(a_j))} \log{\dfrac{N}{df_i}} & & \text{ if } tf_{i,j} \geq 1 \\ & 0 & & \text{ otherwise} \end{aligned} \right.

That’s it. I will share with you more in the next posts. Stay tuned!

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Written by Luong Kim Long based in Vietnam, writing about finance, photography and music. You should follow him on Facebook

© 2024, By Long Luong